

NPTEL-Developing Soft Skills And Personality Week-2 Assignment 2 Answer


                Week 2: Assignment 2


1 point

1)In Bertrand Russell’s example of two men, Mr. A and Mr. B, being in conflict with each other, what does the arbitrator tell each of the men, to have the conflict peacefully resolved?



1 point

2)Imagine the following situation: you are unhappy with your job and wish to make a career switch, but you are unsure about whether you have enough savings to pay your rent and bills for the months that you will be out of the job. Meanwhile, your parents who live far away from the city where you work are ailing, and require someone to be around to look after them at home. It might be natural that you are experiencing:



1 point

3)Which of the following is sure to happen when you are distressed? 



1 point

4)If a person is unassertive, cooperative, and values building relationships over taking a clear stance on things, which among the following descriptions best fits his/her personality type? 



1 point

5)Which one of the following is a sign that you are undergoing an intrapersonal conflict? 



1 point

6)A conflict between a father and a son is an example of? 


1 point

7)Which of the following can you use to manage mental stress? 



1 point

8)Which one of the following is a correct definition of “mediation?” 



1 point

9)Which one of the following thoughts is most likely to cross your mind when you are severely distressed? 



1 point

10)Fellow feeling and empathy can help in? 



1 point

11)Which of the following, according to you, fit the definition of conflict? 




1 point

12)Which of the following are destructive ways of resolving conflict? 



1 point

13)As an emotionally balanced person, how would you ensure that conflict is eliminated? 


1 point

14)You consider yourself to be a strong person who can contribute constructively in a situation of conflict. From the following options, pick the lines that you would say to favorably resolve the situation. 







1 point

15)You know someone to be a generally dominating and selfish person. In which of the following ways might you generally expect him to react to a situation of conflict?





1 point

16)If you are distressed, you might exhibit the following behavioral patterns: 




1 point

17)What are the ways in which a conflict can be a positive thing?





1 point

18)If you are trying to resolve a conflict between two of your best friends, which of the following methods should you adopt? 



1 point

19)You are trying get an afternoon nap, when your roommate thinks of inviting some friends over for a movie. Which of the following can you say to her to resolve the conflict favorably? 




1 point

20)Suppose the parents of your child’s classmate comes to your house to complain about your child. In order to constructively resolve the conflict, you will do the following: 








1 point

21)Eustress is unregulated stress, and it is harmful for an individual.



1 point

22)Conflict is a normal, accepted, expected, and inescapable part of life.


1 point

23)Peace comes not from the absence of conflicts, but from the ability to cope with it.


1 point

24)It’s not stress that kills us it is our reaction to it. 


1 point

25)Positive resolution of conflict can bring one closer to the person/group with whom they conflicted.



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